Monday, September 12, 2011

My first blog...ever

Hi everyone-
So this is my first blog, and I'm kind of nervous about it, since I've never created one before.  I guess I'm going to give this my best shot, and hopefully write about something semi-interesting!

As someone who is becoming a future teacher, I tend to try to listen in on people’s conversations about education, and anything that comes along with that.  Most recently, I overheard a group of people (couples, middle aged) discussing the fact that they hate that their school tax was raised significantly.  I immediately found this interesting since their taxes will affect me getting a job/what my salary will be when I get that job.  The four of them were going on and on about how they cant understand why "teachers" need to make so much money, saying things like, "I mean its not like they have a stressful job or anything; they get summers off; they have free nights and weekends, I mean how much can they ask for."  All of these comments outraged me.  The fact that four people, who have never worked in a classroom setting, were judging how intense or not intense or that matter, the work of a teacher is was downright insulting.  Their conversation swiftly moved from putting down teachers, to where their childeren are going to be attending college is in the upcoming year.  It seemed pretty laughable that the same four people who were just putting down teachers and what they do, moved to talking about the academic success of their children, and what their children’s futures would include.  I wanted to pull my chair over and ask them, "How do you think your children got to where they are?"  I also wanted to pose this to those four people:
if I could lower your school tax dramatically, would you be ok with that?
if I told you I could hire a teacher for half of what a new teacher gets hired for, would you be ok with that?
if I told you that the teacher I just hired only attended 2 years of college, would you be ok with that?
if I told you that your child isn’t getting into a 4 year college because their academic achievement just wasn’t "good enough", would you be ok with that?

So many people complain about things like school tax and teacher salaries, that they overlook the key fact- our teachers hold the future of America in their hands; based on that, would you really want a "discount."

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