Monday, October 31, 2011

Not everything is "our" business

I know this blog is going to seem completely ridiculous, but I'm going to write it anyway.  Today, Kim Kardashian announced she was divorcing husband of 72 day, Kris Humphries.  Many of you may stop reading here, but just hear me out.  As I watched TV this morning, many stations had a breaking news alert that Kim was filing for divorce.  Many people would blog about how idiotic that may be, or how idiotic Kim may be in general, but the whole situation left me feeling kind of sorry for her.  Here's a woman who has had her fair share of struggles in life(many of which the public doesn’t know about), and yet people are so quick to criticize her.  Just for a moment, I'd like for you to imagine being in her position, to have most of the world rooting that you fail, hoping that you fall on your face, just so they can say "I told you so."  Kim suffered years of physical abuse from her first husband, the unexpected death of her father, and many publicized breakups, but yet "we" hate her, why, because she marketed herself well and became an overnight millionaire?  The whole situation got me to thinking that as a society, were way too involved in celebrities lives.  If we asked our grandparents, 50 years ago no one was saying much about the escapades of celebrities.  Why is it that people today think its their business to have an inside look into very private matters?  Are we that bored with our own lives?  Or, are we looking to point the finger at how bad someone else's situations are, so we dont have to look at our own?  So what, she got divorced after 72 days, how many people stay unhappily married for 30+ years and regret it!  The way i feel is that Kim wouldn’t have a judgment about my life, so why should i have the option to have one about hers?  We should focus on the things that our important in life, and stop focusing on kicking someone when they’re down. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting point. Teachers are often given the "spot light" without asking for it too. Students comment on aspects of their teachers' lives even if teachers do not ask for the judgement. What can we learn from the lives of celebrities as teachers?
